Monday, April 02, 2012

A Status Message a Day #80

I was working all weekend, but here's a very quick cartoon for your Monday. This is inspired by a quote by Teller of magician duo Penn and Teller (via @brainpickings, as seen on, via, via, h/t Kevin Burke). Whew, I think that's everybody. Full quote here

I talk to myself a lot.

1 comment:

Red Herring Jeff said...

Love it! I was actually out in the garden the other day thinking something very similar to this. That I have conversations and tell myself stories in my head all the time. Especially when I'm working alone :) I found myself wondering if this is a characteristic common among bloggers and letter writers, and whether the act of blogging is a way to get those conversations out into the world.

Happy Monday, and thanks for sharing!