Tuesday, September 04, 2012

Single Girl, Asian Daughter

Disclaimer: This is not an accurate representation of my parents. But they are Asian, so I used them as a reference :)


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Nikki said...

"This is not an accurate representation of my parents. But they are Asian"

Are they Taiwanese?

Anonymous said...

This sounds about right. And by mid 30, forget men, just have a child. Don't worry about marriage, just have a child. By late 30s, YOU ARE GOING TO DIE ALONE! that sums it up.

Tom Zhao said...

Hi Connie, I saw your comic on Reddit today. Just wanted to say great work and keep it up!


Anonymous said...

It reminds me of a joke when we boys were teasing each other in the university. One boy asked the other:"What qualifications does one girl need to become your girlfriend?" He answered:"Only 2 qualifications, only 2. One, she has to be female. Two, she has to be alive." ——by Ron

JJL said...

It's better to be single than married to a wrong guy, 寧缺勿濫。Love your awesome cartoons, keep up the good work.

Walt S. said...

So is frightful true; I'm seeing this play out with my parents and my older brother. Oh, and I'm Taiwanese too. :|

Katie Dempsey said...

this is awesome, the timing is fantastic

Connie Sun said...

Thanks for all the feedback, everyone! Glad we're not alone in this :)

Anonymous said...

I love your comics; make more like this one, that are funny, but true! Good luck finding the right person for you.

w&w said...

Love this! Works for Indian patents too!

Anonymous said...

I particularly like the pitch fork and parents in the second screen.

Anonymous said...

Your comics are always so wonderful! Keep up the amazing work!

Anonymous said...

Connie! Thank you. Hits home. My Indian parents are exactly as portrayed! 30s and being single is a disaster. Thanks for actually putting this down on paper. Love it.

MissVicky said...

OMG... That's hilarious! :)

Anonymous said...

I like you and your comics :) Keep it up!

Conchens said...

This is me! My name is Connie also! I got married in my 30s, and YES, he has a pulse! All parents should know, miracles can happen!

Rafonda said...

Hi Connie! I just came across your comic today and have spent the last hour scrolling through your blog...I love your work!!!

Anonymous said...

This is gold! You are so talented Connie. I love your work.

Jazmin L said...

Hi Connie, I'm jazmin. I just scrolled through your site. I love it! Your so talented!

SiFraser said...

Very good to see the comments on this one. Great work Connie. You have distilled a complex idea down very elegantly.

itssogood said...

Love your work! Came here because of this comic, which we've been sharing like crazy on FB bc it's TRUE. Showed my parents, they laughed, and asked when were they getting their grandson... sigh.

Anonymous said...

There is always eharmony.

cetera said...

this would be PERFECT without the "s" in "needs" in the final panel

AK said...

Since I got an asian girl when she was 28 I guess I was really lucky! xD

xtine said...

This is my fave!

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Anonymous said...

Keep on writing, great job!

my blog ... torontowinetasting.com

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Anonymous said...

So true! I happen to be Taiwanese-American, and it's so definitely true. Though, in my case, my parents were / are slightly delayed. Imagine the "teen years" frame copied for the "early 20s" and "mid 20s" frames (professional school and all that). Then, the "early 20s" frame for "late 20s." And finally the "late 20s" frame for the "after 30." I, being over 30 now, only hear, "When are you getting married? Go find a boyfriend." *sigh*

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reginald surict said...
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