Friday, November 08, 2013

Extreme Character Building

This is MY sport. Hell yes.


SiFraser said...

Nice metaphor, BUT a great deal of social interaction hinges on a sort of intrepid daring. Being confident enough to turn the conversation to your advantage then listening to how others respond, then take it from there. It's about risking being an asshole because the thrill when it works is worth it. Sitting on the ground at a safe distance just makes you a spectator.

SiFraser said...

Which is kind of what you said. I guess I wasn't listening. I'll get my coat.

Connie Sun said...

I don't know what just happened, but this is an awesome thread.

Anonymous said...

Ever read 'Daring Greatly' by Brene Brown? It is about showing great courage by doing things that make you vulnerable (such as joining a conversation, going on dates, posting a blog....). I think this blog fits really nicely within that train of thought

Crowbar of Comics said...

I'm just going to pretend that panel 3 is Captain Kirk in the opening of Star Trek 5. Is that OK?