Tuesday, January 28, 2014

To Repair With Gold

For us all not to forget...


SiFraser said...

Oooh that's good!

Crowbar of Comics said...

OMG. This is the lesson I just learned in the past day. About repairing the heart, not about Kintsukurio. Have you been reading my mind again?

H said...

This is AWESOME!

Cassie said...

Thank you - I desperately needed this today.

Unknown said...

That is scary good Connie. I have to admit that it took me a bit to understand it. My second day of classes and I woke up thinking more of my first class in Arabic. After class, I looked at your cartoon and was floored how deep and meaningful your work is.

Peace Connie

Raihanah said...

What a wonderful way to view the hurt and pain we experience in life.

Edward said...

This is beautiful.
And it is true.

Anonymous said...

If you love an object, and it breaks, it is more precious after it is repaired.

Anonymous said...

This is your best one yet, Connie!

Anonymous said...

I've seen this a few times and just noticed the Ai Weiwei parallelism. Clever!

Ms Hen's said...

I love this one. ty. emma (s.i.n.y)

Mistyriah said...

Hello Miss Connie, Thank you. I've been told by many stunned friends & family that they can't believe I've been thru some of the things I have(one of which quite literally being a cracked skull. If only they would've patched it with gold I woulda been set financially for life!!������������) and still somehow"BE" the way I am... I ask how can I not? The cracks and the scars and the tears and the laughter and the heartache and the hope... The snapshots that my mind took 30yrs ago and the ones from 10sec ago garaunteed are all going to be dusty and cobwebbed in bout 2days, but their mine forever... And that's beautiful. I hope I get this next part right or pretty close (if not Mom I'm sorry-when I see you on the other side, please be gentle ���� you never did teach me how to spell it.
Dhö mö... Okay I think I should save all of us the horrible embarrassment... Trust me (I did try...Bad, very bad..) Anyway.Thanks again.

TechMatrite said...
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