Thursday, September 06, 2018

Thanks For Being There For Me

I'm overwhelmed by your love and support. Thank you.


Bin Lee said...

[insert thumbs up emoji]

bassgirl said...

You are such a talented and intelligent person, with the added bonus of being able to express your thoughts and feelings in a way that many of us can relate to. Best wishes on the new job and new adventures. Do keep us posted! Can you tell us what you will be doing?

Mrs Shoes said...

Love your work - I'll miss the daily, but a change is as good as a rest (they say). Best of luck always.

Anonymous said...

Hi Connie,

I just discovered your comics via IG and love them so much - I’ve been scrolling through all of them and it’s made me relate (as a single Asian daughter in her early 30s) laugh, smile (I also love elephants) and cry, so I wanted to say thank you for that. Also, have you thought about publishing all your daily comics all in one book? Would love to have a hard copy version so I can flip through them - just wanted to throw that out there as an idea :).

Thank you for sharing your story and art and allowing yourself to be vulnerable - true strength and courage right there. Best of luck with your next creative endeavors!

anna in spain said...

Thank you for expressing what I so often mean. We are so different; here am I, a married woman of a certain age from a Wonderbread-white Midwestern background, living in S. Europe--and I totally relate to your work. Which is excellent by the way, but you knew that.

There is a tide in the affairs of people, which taken at the flood leads on to fortune. May this new opportunity be your flood-tide, Connie.