Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Pandemic Diary: Upside Down Face Masks

Slice-of-life diary comic about wearing face masks in NYC. Plus, first shopping trip to Trader Joe's since the city locked down 2 months ago! It was about a 40-minute wait to get inside, but the staff are as nice as ever.

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comics, sketchbook, illustration, nyc scene, trader joe's, pandemic diary about how to wear a face mask, visual diary, connie sun, cartoonconnie

comics, sketchbook, illustration, nyc scene, trader joe's, pandemic diary about how to wear a face mask, visual diary, connie sun, cartoonconnie

1 comment:

anna in spain said...

Not to mention people who leave their noses hanging out because "it's too hard to breathe." If you don't cover your nostrils, you're not protected or protecting. Or you see people with it hanging off one ear or down around their lower jaw. Fat lot of good it does.