Thursday, June 11, 2020

Mentally Pacing Myself

I've been running on emotional extremes  lately and, yesterday, I hit a wall.

It's funny how small things can break us when we are stretched thin and tired. I have to keep reminding myself to pay attention to when I reach the end of my energy.

Self-care can be as simple as going for a walk, doing chores, and checking in with friends. They can make a big difference.

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sketchbook cartoon about dealing with extreme emotions, emotional exhaustion, knowing your limits, and self-care, diary comic, connie sun, cartoonconnie


Fieke said...

Huge hug from the other side of the Atlantic!

anna in spain said...

Hope you are better today Connie. Personally lockdown did me a world of good. I was feeling overworked and stretched too thin in March. Being unable to leave the house, and having a good excuse to just take it slowly was exactly what I needed. I wish it had not come at such a heavy cost to others, though.

Take heart--it's not forever. Whatever you're going through--it's not permanent.

bassgirl said...

One day at a time. The big picture can wait. And yes, little things can make or break it. I'm sorry it is so hard for you right now. I made a batch of chocolate chip cookies, kept some and mailed some to friends (the Post Office will pick up packages from my porch). It made me and them feel better. Keep trying!