Friday, October 02, 2020

Sketchbook: Waiting In Line

I admire anybody (in the U.S.) who got any work done today. 

Take care and wear masks.

Connie on Ko-fi

cartoon of figure wearing a mask and standing in line at a bank, nyc sketchbook, drawing, slice-of-life, illustration, by connie sun, cartoonconnie, creative practice


Robert said...

Ive tried exercise in the morning. Big breakfasts. Multiple cups of coffee. Somedays these things help my productivity. Sometimes I get halfway through a productive day, and then take a nap. Sometimes all these things work, sometimes none of them.

It would be interesting to know what works for you and your readers.

All the best.

Crowbar of Comics said...

I had to make a call. After that, I just had to call it a day.