Happy new year and safe passage. Let us step lightly through.
Thank you for following along the journey
Happy new year and safe passage. Let us step lightly through.
Thank you for following along the journey
The barred owl of Riverside Park. I've recently taken up casual birdwatching.
Safe passage into the new year.
Sunset and full moon, Hudson River. Taking it a day at a time and taking the time I need.
May we be granted safe passage.
Snow, rain, and frozen-over puddles. Taking it a day at a time and taking the time I need.
May we be granted safe passage.
Me and my weird heart are currently working out our problems in therapy :)
New comic about working through difficult emotions in therapy, blaming behaviors, and learning the social skills to be "dateable."
Thanks for following the journey, lol.
I think my therapist is heckling me ;)
New cartoon about self-improvement in a pandemic.
Thanks for reading and supporting
New cartoon about learning to deal with difficult emotions in therapy, which I recently started. Life would be less messy without 'em, but also less interesting.
Thanks for everyone's patience as I attempt to grow as a person.