Tuesday, April 27, 2021

Never Stop Looking

New sketchbook comic about times when you need to dig deep to find beauty and strength. 

We've come a long way, but we're still in it, no matter how "done" we all are. This is for anyone who needs a boost. (I did last week.)

Thanks for reading. More updates to come.

Sketchbook comic about times when it is harder to stay upbeat and positive, mental health awareness cartoon, by Connie Sun, cartoonconnie


Robert said...

We went out on two occasions to see cherry blossoms and flowers blooming. I fell on the first trip and on the second, there were few or no blooms to see in an otherwise pleasant walk. In both cases on our return there were trees and flowers blooming beautifully on my own street! I could have walked around the block and been overwhelmed with the colors! Talk about your ironies....

It takes courage to go out masked and prepared for the elements to see something that isn't there. Even the cherry trees weep from frustration.

Hope is always a choice--there will be better days....

Unknown said...

Thank you for this powerful reminder. I'm glad you feel better this week. It has been a long haul and there's still so far to go. Listening to the birds singing right now helps...