Wednesday, May 26, 2021

That's the Best Part

To me, the eating part will always be the best part :)

Thanks for your support and stay tuned for updates. 

Sketchbook comic strip about taking supplements versus eating actual food, by Connie Sun, cartoonconnie


Robert said...

My wife has a passion for Honeycrisp apples. At all times of the day....I'm out buying honey crisp apples. Here's to apple lovers everywhere!

anna in spain said...

I'm with you, Connie. I knew a woman who told me if she could take one pill a day and get her nutrients she'd never eat again. I love to cook, I love to feed people, and boy do I love the eating part!

It's hard to get good apples where I live in S. Europe, after about January. I miss the Winesaps, the Jonathans, the crisp apples of my childhood. That said, we do live in the strawberry producing capital of Europe!