Thursday, June 17, 2021

Serenity Gag and New "Creative Notes" Comic

Working through a lot this month. Hope to come out the other side a stronger person. 

This is an old gag cartoon I drew in my sketchbook that I'm sharing for the first time. 

I also published a new vertical scroll comic for Tinyview, which is free and best read on your phone. "Creative Notes" is a new comic series that I'm publishing weekly, with aspiring artists and creatives in mind. 

First episode on Instagram

Download the free app here

Thanks for all your support.

Single-panel cartoon of a women on a mountain top, exerting great effort to be zen. Caption reads: "Please grant me the serenity to not need external validation or social media likes to be happy." Comic by Connie Sun, cartoonconnie
Comic series "Creative Notes" new episode preview, by Connie Sun, cartoonconnie, for Tinyview Comics


anna in spain said...

A few weeks ago I made a very slight little comment on a Youtube video. It must have resonated because I got about 8K "likes" which is the only time such a thing ever happened to me. I am ashamed to admit I spent nearly three weeks checking back multiple times a day, watching the number rise. It did bring home to me why, and how easily, young people become addicted to "affirmation" of total strangers via social media.

WaitingMan said...

Need it or not, here comes validation and a like from me.