Wednesday, September 15, 2021

Extremely Sensitive Person

I should make this my dating profile ;)

Loosely drawn idea, straight from my sketchbook. I've been playing around with how quickly I can express an idea, without being too fussy about details. 

Thanks for following the journey! Connie on Ko-fi

[Two-panel comic of a cartoon girl with a scribbly bun, reflecting on her personality type. In panel 1, she says, "Somehow I manage to be...extremely sensitive...and very clueless at the exact same time." Panel two, beat: "I don't know how I do it either."] 
Two-panel comic of a cartoon girl with a scribbly bun, reflecting on her personality type. In panel 1, she says, "Somehow I manage to be...extremely sensitive...and very clueless at the exact same time." Panel two, beat: "I don't know how I do it either." Webcomic by Connie Sun, cartoonconnie


anna in spain said...

As an HSP myself I'm here to tell you, they go together. The world is too much for us so we tend to retreat. As I age I realise I should really make a greater effort to get a clue...but it takes so much out of me I seldom do the work.

Robert said...

The artists Picasso and Braque were close friends and collaborators. Together they invented the school of painting called "Analytic Cubism" as well as exploring Cubism in general. Braque came up with many original ideas which Picasso invented.

Picasso worked out his problems in his notebooks, Braque tended to work out problems on the canvass itself. As a result, Picasso was far more productive when he actually put his notebooks down and worked on canvas. He painted many more paintings. Nonetheless, Braque went on to have a wonderful career after his friendship with Picasso ended.

Its wise of you to work out your ideas in notebooks.

Robert said...

The artists Picasso and Braque were close friends and collaborators. Together they invented the school of painting called "Analytic Cubism" as well as exploring Cubism in general. Braque came up with many original ideas which Picasso filled out.

Picasso worked out his problems in his notebooks, Braque tended to work out problems on the canvass itself. As a result, Picasso was far more productive when he actually put his notebooks down and worked on canvas. He painted many more paintings. Nonetheless, Braque went on to have a wonderful career after his friendship with Picasso ended.

Its wise of you to work out your ideas in notebooks.