Thursday, September 02, 2021

Hello, Climate Change...

No jokes today. I'm just noting what's happening around me -- it's bigger than we are. Bigger storms, longer fire seasons, and shrinking human rights.

Thanks for reading along.

[3-panel comic of a girl with a bun reading the news on her phone. Panel 1 shows her slightly stunned expression at being swept away in a deluge of torrential rain. Panel shows her dismayed at the news with an image of justice scales that are off-balance. Text reads: "Hello, climate change...goodbye, reproductive rights." An elephant appears in the final panel with a question mark. The girl turns her head, explains that it's "just today's headlines."] 

3-panel comic of a girl with a bun reading the news on her phone. Panel 1 shows her slightly stunned expression at being swept away in a deluge of torrential rain. Panel shows her dismayed at the news with an image of justice scales that are off-balance. Text reads: "Hello, climate change...goodbye, reproductive rights." An elephant appears in the final panel with a question mark. The girl turns her head, explains that it's "just today's headlines." Slice of life webcomic by Connie Sun

1 comment:

anna in spain said...

People who deny climate change are often the same older folks who complain about how much nicer the weather was when they were young.