Wednesday, January 05, 2022

Pink Bear Head Hoodie

I don't know if this is disrespectful to bears in general, but it was a cool winter look. Kid looked happy.

Hope you're keeping warm and cozy through the season. I think it's been a hard start to the year for a lot of parents with young kids. I see folks trying hard and doing their best to keep their families safe and happy. A lot of unsung heroics. May the worst of the latest covid surge pass soon. 

[3-panel autobio comic of a girl with a braid walking in Central Park in winter. She passes a kid who is holding hands with an adult and wearing a pink bear head hoodie with a bear nose and ears, which make it look like the kid's head is in the bear's mouth. Caption reads, "Yesterday, I saw a kid wearing what looked like a fuzzy, pink bear head hoodie." In panel 2, the girl with the braid walks on. In panel 3, girl turns to look back at them. Text reads, "My first thought was -", followed by a thought bubble that says, "I wonder if they have that in my size."]

3-panel autobio comic of a girl with a braid walking in Central Park in winter. She passes a kid who is holding hands with an adult and wearing a pink bear head hoodie with a bear nose and ears, which make it look like the kid's head is in the bear's mouth. Caption reads, "Yesterday, I saw a kid wearing what looked like a fuzzy, pink bear head hoodie." In panel 2, the girl with the braid walks on. In panel 3, girl turns to look back at them. Text reads, "My first thought was -", followed by a thought bubble that says, "I wonder if they have that in my size." Original comic cartoon by Connie Sun, cartoonconnie


Robert said...

Go for it, Connie.

The road to hell is paved with unbought bear's head hoodies.

Happy New Year!

anna in spain said...

Couple of weeks ago I saw a young man about 25 in a department store holding a plush lamb and looking at it with such affection. I wondered, did he want it for his girlfriend, his daughter--or himself? I hope he bought it, but I was too busy buying a large hedgehog for myself to see what he decided.

I'd buy the Totoro jammies I saw on Amazon if I thought they'd fit.