Thursday, February 10, 2022

Accidental Loneliness

I've been testing the limits of social isolation lately. This is probably a sign that I need to get out more. 

Hope you're managing okay and have what you need to keep moving forward. 

Thanks for reading. Connie on Ko-fi

[4-panel borderless comic of a girl with a braid, going too long without social interaction. In panel 1, she is looking out the window at a cityscape on a dreary day. Panel 2 is a bubble of a dream of being among friendly faces, which blends into panel 3, where she wakes up from the dream, alone in a bed. Captions read: "I got absorbed in work and accidentally didn't leave my apartment or talk to a single person for days. I was so isolated that I had a dream about being around people that I miss and felt a momentary sense of relief inside my head...Waking up was a bit sad. Loneliness often catches me off guard because I'm usually very good at being by myself."]

4-panel borderless comic of a girl with a braid, going too long without social interaction. In panel 1, she is looking out the window at a cityscape on a dreary day. Panel 2 is a bubble of a dream of being among friendly faces, which blends into panel 3, where she wakes up from the dream, alone in a bed. Captions read: "I got absorbed in work and accidentally didn't leave my apartment or talk to a single person for days. I was so isolated that I had a dream about being around people that I miss and felt a momentary sense of relief inside my head...Waking up was a bit sad. Loneliness often catches me off guard because I'm usually very good at being by myself." Autobio webcomic by Connie Sun, cartoonconnie


Robert said...

"Solitude" is what artists use to make art. "Loneliness" is missing the people you love, or the presence of people to talk to.

It is good not to get the two feelings confused. Both are worthy feelings.

anna in spain said...

I'm usually lonely when surrounded by people, but one or two friends at a time is true fellowship.