Wednesday, March 16, 2022

Baby Elephant Hugs

If my cartoons seem sad lately, it's because I am, and this is the best I can do. Trying to cartoon through it. Thanks for your support and encouragement. I hope you have what you need to get through. 

[Two-panel comic of a girl with a bun getting a hug from a baby elephant. In panel 1, the girl leans on the elephant and the elephant's trunk is lightly draped on her shoulder. In panel 2, elephant wraps its trunk around the girl's face, so she can't see anything. Text reads, "Imagine a world where we all got the baby elephant hugs we need, exactly when we need them." Original elephant illustration comic by Connie Sun, cartoonconnie, 2022.]
Two-panel comic of a girl with a bun getting a hug from a baby elephant. In panel 1, the girl leans on the elephant and the elephant's trunk is lightly draped on her shoulder. In panel 2, elephant wraps its trunk around the girl's face, so she can't see anything. Text reads, "Imagine a world where we all got the baby elephant hugs we need, exactly when we need them." Original elephant illustration comic by Connie Sun, cartoonconnie, 2022.


anna in spain said...

It's absolutely normal to be sad given all that's going on in this world. And art is a good way to channel your emotions. I'd like to curl up at Mole End (Wind in the Willows) and have a cup of tea with Mole and Ratty while rain patters down outside.
Failing that, I curl up with my hedgehog plushie and a cup of tea and a good book.
We all do what we can.
Please stay, Connie. I will if you will.

Bookworm said...

Anna said it beautifully. Yes, way too much sadness in the world, and there's little --if anything -- we can do about it. Please keep drawing, Connie! I'm going to keep knitting.

Robert said...

Consider....volunteering... for an elder
...stuffing envelopes (never my favorite)
...donating art for a poster
...politicking for changes in the laws
...sitting on a board of a local advocacy group

as therapy for the sadness.

I've tried these kinds of things in the past
Sometimes they remedy my own pain and sometimes not.

When you don't have money...give time.