Wednesday, August 10, 2022

I've Done What I Can Do

If it's all you can do today, it's enough. 

Thanks for reading. Connie on Ko-fi

[3-panel comic of a cartoon girl with a braid, alone in a desolate grayed out landscape, with heavy storm clouds looming over head. The girl is in color, against the grayscale background. In prominent script, the dark clouds are emblazoned with the word "WORRIES," as the girl looks up at the sky apprehensively in panel 1. In panel 2, she takes out an umbrella. In panel 3, she holds the open umbrella over her head and awaits the approaching storm. The heading reads, "I've Done What I Can Do." Cartoon illustration by ©Connie Sun, cartoonconnie, 2022.]
3-panel comic of a cartoon girl with a braid, alone in a desolate grayed out landscape, with heavy storm clouds looming over head. The girl is in color, against the grayscale background. In prominent script, the dark clouds are emblazoned with the word "WORRIES," as the girl looks up at the sky apprehensively in panel 1. In panel 2, she takes out an umbrella. In panel 3, she holds the open umbrella over her head and awaits the approaching storm. The heading reads, "I've Done What I Can Do." Cartoon illustration by ©Connie Sun, cartoonconnie, 2022.


Robert said...

Perfect. Just Perfect. So simple. So True.

bassgirl said...


anna in spain said...

That's all we can do, Connie. Saying Be Prepared is all very well but these days you never know what to be prepared for. Can't spend our entire lives letting the media fearmongers win.