Friday, September 09, 2022

Forced Rest and Relaxation

My stages of covid: denial, overthinking, bargaining, and renewing life’s purpose while sick in bed.

I'm one of the luckies. My recovery was steady after a few days of bedrest. Thanks for your well wishes. Connie on Ko-fi

[3-panel comic about the forced rest you get from getting sick, based on creator's covid recovery. Panel 1 shows a cartoon girl with a braid and beads of perspiration, sick in bed with a fever, body aches, and chills. Text reads "COVID NIGHTS: reliving my biggest failures & regrets in fever dreams." Panel 2: same frame, with an exaggerated look of determination, caption box with arrow says "vowing not to give up on life goals." In parentheses: "if I live." Panel 3, borderless splash: "Forced Rest & Relaxation" is in bold text, followed by "(not the spa day I imagined)" in smaller text. Girl looks directly at reader with resigned expression, shackled to bed with a large ball and chain. Humorous autobio comic strip by Connie Sun, cartoonconnie, 2022.]

3-panel comic about the forced rest you get from getting sick, based on creator's covid recovery. Panel 1 shows a cartoon girl with a braid and beads of perspiration, sick in bed with a fever, body aches, and chills. Text reads "COVID NIGHTS: reliving my biggest failures & regrets in fever dreams." Panel 2: same frame, with an exaggerated look of determination, caption box with arrow says "vowing not to give up on life goals." In parentheses: "if I live." Panel 3, borderless splash: "Forced Rest & Relaxation" is in bold text, followed by "(not the spa day I imagined)" in smaller text. Girl looks directly at reader with resigned expression, shackled to bed with a large ball and chain. Humorous autobio comic strip by Connie Sun, cartoonconnie, 2022.


bassgirl said...

I hope the recovery continues and that you are spared any "long CoVid" symptoms!

anna in spain said...

Yeah. I had Covid before it was a thing. It took me 2 months to really get well.