Friday, October 28, 2022

Wish I Could Tell Somebody

Sometimes modern life is lonely, but still beautiful. We do whatever we can.

Thanks for reading. Connie on Ko-fi

[4-panel comic about modern life and being alone, drawn in grayscale, except for a window view of a sunset over a cityscape, which is rendered in full color. In panel 1, a cartoon girl with a braid stands at the window and exclaims, "What a pretty sunset! Gosh!" Panel 2 zooms out to show the interior of the room where the girl is looking out. Text reads, "I wish I could tell somebody about this sunset." In panel 3, the girl looks at her phone, as the sun sets further and the caption reads, "Nobody I know will care that I saw this sunset." In panel 4, she walks away, as the light in the sky dims. Final text reads, "I wonder what K-dramas are streaming right now." Original comic illustration by Connie Sun, cartoonconnie, 2022.]
4-panel comic about modern life and being alone, drawn in grayscale, except for a window view of a sunset over a cityscape, which is rendered in full color. In panel 1, a cartoon girl with a braid stands at the window and exclaims, "What a pretty sunset! Gosh!" Panel 2 zooms out to show the interior of the room where the girl is looking out. Text reads, "I wish I could tell somebody about this sunset." In panel 3, the girl looks at her phone, as the sun sets further and the caption reads, "Nobody I know will care that I saw this sunset." In panel 4, she walks away, as the light in the sky dims. Final text reads, "I wonder what K-dramas are streaming right now." Original comic illustration by Connie Sun, cartoonconnie, 2022.


bassgirl said...

You told us about it, Connie. Thanks for sharing. Sunsets can be so moving.

anna in spain said...

I know how you feel. Some times I ache for someone to share something with, but no one I know would really care, not even my spouse. It's sadder to try to share something great with someone and have them not "get" it, than just to enjoy it yourself.

Bookworm said...

I so agree! It can be downright painful to not have someone to share a special moment with, whether it's a scene, a sound, or even a moment of self-discovery. Whoever is reading this, please give yourself a hug from me.

Anonymous said...

Wow. I feel you!