Friday, November 11, 2022

Seeking Order in Chaos

The way things are going, I feel we could all use a hug and some assurances in life. 

Happy weekend and thanks for reading. Connie on Ko-fi

[2-panel webcomic about not believing in astrology but still seeking order in chaos. Panel 1: Cartoon girl with a bun and her arms crossed, says dismissively, "I don't believe in astrology - load of hogwash." Panel 2: An arrow points at girl, arms still crossed, sneaking a side-eyed look at a laptop screen, with the caption "Also me: Casually checking today's planetary alignment." Cartoon illustration by Connie Sun, cartoonconnie, 2022.]
2-panel webcomic about not believing in astrology but still seeking order in chaos. Panel 1: Cartoon girl with a bun and her arms crossed, says dismissively, "I don't believe in astrology - load of hogwash." Panel 2: An arrow points at girl, arms still crossed, sneaking a side-eyed look at a laptop screen, with the caption "Also me: Casually checking today's planetary alignment." Cartoon illustration by Connie Sun, cartoonconnie, 2022.


anna in spain said...

Or as a Haitian man I knew once said: "I don't believe in voodoo--but it works."

Connie Sun said...

haha, best line ever, Anna :)