Thursday, December 01, 2022

Life On Earth

It's okay to be sad sometimes. May you always feel loved.

Thanks so much for reading and following. I'm making slow and steady progress.

[2-panel comic of a cartoon girl with a bun, standing next to an elephant on a beach. In panel 1, they are looking off-shore with their backs facing the reader. Elephant asks, "What's wrong?" and the girl replies, "Nothing. Bit sad, but not in a bad way..." In panel 2, they turn toward each other and the girl finishes her thought: "Just in the normal, life-on-earth way." Heading reads, "Life On Earth." Comic illustration by Connie Sun, cartoonconnie, 2022.]

2-panel comic of a cartoon girl with a bun, standing next to an elephant on a beach. In panel 1, they are looking off-shore with their backs facing the reader. Elephant asks, "What's wrong?" and the girl replies, "Nothing. Bit sad, but not in a bad way..." In panel 2, they turn toward each other and the girl finishes her thought: "Just in the normal, life-on-earth way." Heading reads, "Life On Earth." Comic illustration by Connie Sun, cartoonconnie, 2022.


anna in spain said...

I hear you, Connie. That life on earth sadness is always there, in the background, and sometimes it moves up to the foreground.
I guess I don't feel very loved, today.

Unknown said...

Anna and Connie:

My very best wishes for your happiness (and mine!). Had a wonderful three days, but facing gloom on Monday. It will be there, plenty ofissues lingering.

We have to keep on going!

Beset regards.