Thursday, December 29, 2022

Emotional Maturity: An End-of-Year Review

I know another year has passed, but I can't account for all the specifics. Maybe the full review can wait until next year :)

Grateful to you for reading my little cartoons. Connie on Ko-fi

[3-panel comic strip about reflecting on progress at end of a year. In panel 1, a cartoon girl with a bun sits at a desk, looking at an oversized cartoon heart character that is leaning against a stack of books. A clock on the wall reads 11 o'clock. In panel 2, the girl asks, "So what did we learn this year? Anything?" Panel 3 zooms in on the heart, looking weary. After a beat, it says, "Can this conversation wait 'til after New Years?" Comic titled "Emotional Maturity: An End-of-Year Review" by Connie Sun, cartoonconnie, 2022.]
3-panel comic strip about reflecting on progress at end of a year. In panel 1, a cartoon girl with a bun sits at a desk, looking at an oversized cartoon heart character that is leaning against a stack of books. A clock on the wall reads 11 o'clock. In panel 2, the girl asks, "So what did we learn this year? Anything?" Panel 3 zooms in on the heart, looking weary. After a beat, it says, "Can this conversation wait 'til after new years?" Comic titled "Emotional Maturity: An End-of-Year Review" by Connie Sun, cartoonconnie, 2022.

Tuesday, December 20, 2022

Heart Trust Issues

We all got 'em ;)

Hope you are being extra generous with yourselves this season. Thanks for reading and encouraging me to keep writing and cartooning. Connie on Ko-fi

[3-panel comic of a cartoon girl with a bun talking to a cartoon heart character, drawn with facial features and legs. In panel 1, the heart is slumped against an interior wall, bandaged and a bit bruised. The girl tries to reassure the heart: "I know it hurts now, but - you'll be okay. Trust me." In panel 2, a silent beat, while the heart thinks this over. In panel 3, the heart looks up distrustfully and demands more information: "Define 'okay.'" Cartoon titled "Heart Trust Issues" by Connie Sun, cartoonconnie, 2022.]
3-panel comic of a cartoon girl with a bun talking to a cartoon heart character, drawn with facial features and legs. In panel 1, the heart is slumped against an interior wall, bandaged and a bit bruised. The girl tries to reassure the heart: "I know it hurts now, but - you'll be okay. Trust me." In panel 2, a silent beat, while the heart thinks this over. In panel 3, the heart looks up distrustfully and demands more information: "Define 'okay.'" Cartoon titled "Heart Trust Issues" by Connie Sun, cartoonconnie, 2022.

Thursday, December 15, 2022

Ready For My Weekend (Redraw)

I redrew this comic today to declare my love of kombucha. Cheers!

[2-panel comic of a cartoon girl with a braid, looked harried and holding a gigantic, filled wine glass, almost as tall as she is. In panel 1, she says "I'm ready for my weekend now." In panel 2, an elephant enters the frame and notes, "You don't drink." She responds, deadpan: "It's kombucha." New version of an older 2021 illustration by the same artist in 2022. By Connie Sun, cartoonconnie, all rights reserved.]
2-panel comic of a cartoon girl with a braid, looked harried and holding a gigantic, filled wine glass, almost as tall as she is. In panel 1, she says "I'm ready for my weekend now." In panel 2, an elephant enters the frame and notes, "You don't drink." She responds, deadpan: "It's kombucha." New version of an older 2021 illustration by the same artist in 2022. By Connie Sun, cartoonconnie, all rights reserved.

Break Even Diet

It's a break even type of year. Emotional eating and dieting at the same time is basically how I was raised to live life. 

Thanks for reading the comics. Connie on Ko-fi

[2-panel comic strip about emotional eating and emotional dieting at the same time. In panel 1, a cartoon girl with a braid is doing leg raises on a yoga mat while eating a sandwich. An elephant looks on and asks, "Are you exercising...and eating your emotions at the same time?" In panel 2, she lifts her sandwich in the air like a dumbbell and says, "Yeah, my goal this year is just to break even." Elephant turns to walk away and responds, "Seems reasonable." Cartoon titled "Break Even Diet" by Connie Sun, cartoonconnie, 2022.]

2-panel comic strip about emotional eating and emotional dieting at the same time. In panel 1, a cartoon girl with a braid is doing leg raises on a yoga mat while eating a sandwich. An elephant looks on and asks, "Are you exercising...and eating your emotions at the same time?" In panel 2, she lifts her sandwich in the air like a dumbbell and says, "Yeah, my goal this year is just to break even." Elephant turns to walk away and responds, "Seems reasonable." Cartoon titled "Break Even Diet" by Connie Sun, cartoonconnie, 2022.

Tuesday, December 13, 2022

Pro Introverting

Amateur food pics, but pro at introverting.

Thanks for continuing to read my comics. It helps with morale on the down days. Connie on Ko-fi

[4-panel borderless comic about contemporary introverting. Image 1: Cartoon girl with a bun holds a smart phone high over her head with conviction, while text reads, "Phone is never not on silent!" Image 2: She levitates the phone, both hands raised and text reads, "All notifications are disabled!" Image 3: Caption reads, "BEHOLD! The professional introvert!" as she flexes and says, "Shhh, quiet." The last panel zooms out and the girl is talking a photo of her lunch, as an elephant looks on and asks, "What do you even use your phone for?" She responds, "I like taking pictures of my food." Cartoon titled "Pro Introverting" by Connie Sun, cartoonconnie, 2022.]

4-panel borderless comic about contemporary introverting. Image 1: Cartoon girl with a bun holds a smart phone high over her head with conviction, while text reads, "Phone is never not on silent!" Image 2: She levitates the phone, both hands raised and text reads, "All notifications are disabled!" Image 3: Caption reads, "BEHOLD! The professional introvert!" as she flexes and says, "Shhh, quiet." The last panel zooms out and the girl is talking a photo of her lunch, as an elephant looks on and asks, "What do you even use your phone for?" She responds, "I like taking pictures of my food." Cartoon titled "Pro Introverting" by Connie Sun, cartoonconnie, 2022.

Thursday, December 08, 2022

Things Dogs Can Say To Strangers, But People Can't

In this regard, dogs have us beat :)

Thanks for reading. Connie on Ko-fi

[4-panel comic strip about how dogs can express things that people can't. Panel 1: Cartoon girl with a bun walks by a bearded man on a crowded sidewalk and says, "Hi. Do you want to cuddle for a minute?" Panel 2: Girl sits next to a dude in a beanie looking down at his phone and says, "You seem cool, can I lick your face?" Panel 3: Girl politely sniffs a man on an escalator and notes, "Mm - I like your pheromones." Panel 4: Girl, desperate for some attention, barks into a crowd of people, "CAN SOMEBODY PLEASE PET ME?!" Cartoon titled "Things Dogs Can Say To Strangers, But People Can't." By Connie Sun, cartoonconnie, 2022.]

4-panel comic strip about how dogs can express things that people can't. Panel 1: Cartoon girl with a bun walks by a bearded man on a crowded sidewalk and says, "Hi. Do you want to cuddle for a minute?" Panel 2: Girl sits next to a dude in a beanie looking down at his phone and says, "You seem cool, can I lick your face?" Panel 3: Girl politely sniffs a man on an escalator and notes, "Mm - I like your pheromones." Panel 4: Girl, desperate for some attention, barks into a crowd of people, "CAN SOMEBODY PLEASE PET ME?!" Cartoon titled "Things Dogs Can Say To Strangers, But People Can't." By Connie Sun, cartoonconnie, 2022.

Tuesday, December 06, 2022

Lonely and Happy

Note to self: You don't have to one or the other. 

Thanks for reading. Connie on Ko-fi

[Single-panel comic illustration of a cartoon girl with a bun in the woods. The scene is quiet and calm and the girl is drawing an elephant on the ground with a branch. Caption reads, "'Lonely' and 'happy' aren't mutually exclusive." Drawing by Connie Sun, cartoonconnie, 2022.]
Single-panel comic illustration of a cartoon girl with a bun in the woods. The scene is quiet and calm and the girl is drawing an elephant on the ground with a branch. Caption reads, "'Lonely' and 'happy' aren't mutually exclusive." Drawing by Connie Sun, cartoonconnie, 2022.

Thursday, December 01, 2022

Life On Earth

It's okay to be sad sometimes. May you always feel loved.

Thanks so much for reading and following. I'm making slow and steady progress.

[2-panel comic of a cartoon girl with a bun, standing next to an elephant on a beach. In panel 1, they are looking off-shore with their backs facing the reader. Elephant asks, "What's wrong?" and the girl replies, "Nothing. Bit sad, but not in a bad way..." In panel 2, they turn toward each other and the girl finishes her thought: "Just in the normal, life-on-earth way." Heading reads, "Life On Earth." Comic illustration by Connie Sun, cartoonconnie, 2022.]

2-panel comic of a cartoon girl with a bun, standing next to an elephant on a beach. In panel 1, they are looking off-shore with their backs facing the reader. Elephant asks, "What's wrong?" and the girl replies, "Nothing. Bit sad, but not in a bad way..." In panel 2, they turn toward each other and the girl finishes her thought: "Just in the normal, life-on-earth way." Heading reads, "Life On Earth." Comic illustration by Connie Sun, cartoonconnie, 2022.

Tuesday, November 29, 2022

Mental Hoarder

I'm working on being better :)

Hope everyone is staying happy and sane. Thanks for reading. Connie on Ko-fi

[2-panel comic of a cartoon girl with a bun, sitting in half lotus, meditating. In panel 1, her expression is neutral and undulating text reads, "Empty your mind of all unwanted thoughts and emotions." In panel 2, she retorts in all caps: "I CAN'T! ALL MY THOUGHTS ARE SACRED!" Comic strip titled "Mental Hoarder" by Connie Sun, cartoonconnie, 2022.]

2-panel comic of a cartoon girl with a bun, sitting in half lotus, meditating. In panel 1, her expression is neutral and undulating text reads, "Empty your mind of all unwanted thoughts and emotions." In panel 2, she retorts in all caps: "I CAN'T! ALL MY THOUGHTS ARE SACRED!" Comic strip titled "Mental Hoarder" by Connie Sun, cartoonconnie, 2022.

Tuesday, November 22, 2022

Single Serving of Pie

We each get our own, right? :)

May you eat well, travel safe, and stay sane this week. Thanks for reading and following. 

[2-panel comic of a cartoon girl with a bun, rationalizing emotional eating during the holiday season. In panel 1, she says, "The holidays make me feel extra sensitive and emotional..." Panel 2 zooms out to show the girl talking to an elephant in her kitchen, with two enormous pies and cups of tea, and she continues, "-which is why we each get our own pie this year." Comic titled "Single Serving of Pie" by Connie Sun, cartoonconnie 2022.]
2-panel comic of a cartoon girl with a bun, rationalizing emotional eating during the holiday season. In panel 1, she says, "The holidays make me feel extra sensitive and emotional..." Panel 2 zooms out to show the girl talking to an elephant in her kitchen, with two enormous pies and cups of tea, and she continues, "- which is why we each get our own pie this year." Comic titled "Single Serving of Pie" by Connie Sun, cartoonconnie 2022.

Thursday, November 17, 2022

Warning: Writer at Work

My writing process is a crime scene ;) Friends who are participating in NaNoWriMo this year will understand.

Thanks for your patience! Connie on Ko-fi

[Single-panel comic illustration of a cartoon girl with a messy bun, tackling a writing deadline. Heading reads, "Warning: Writer at Work." In parentheses: "either that or a crime scene." The girl is standing in the middle of a room, with piles of papers and reference materials all over the floor, post-its affixed to the walls, bulletin boards, and a desk cluttered with a laptop, notebook, and mugs. She is in a state of dramatic, high-functioning, near-panic and exclaims loudly to no one, "NOBODY MOVE! Nobody breathe! Do not touch ANYTHING!!" Illustration by Connie Sun, cartoonconnie, 2022.]

Single-panel comic illustration of a cartoon girl with a messy bun, tackling a writing deadline. Heading reads, "Warning: Writer at Work." In parentheses: "either that or a crime scene." The girl is standing in the middle of a room, with piles of papers and reference materials all over the floor, post-its affixed to the walls, bulletin boards, and a desk cluttered with a laptop, notebook, and mugs. She is in a state of dramatic, high-functioning, near-panic and exclaims loudly to no one, "NOBODY MOVE! Nobody breathe! Do not touch ANYTHING!!" Illustration by Connie Sun, cartoonconnie, 2022.

Wednesday, November 16, 2022

Even Lone Penguins

Cheers to all our chosen colonies :)

Thanks for reading. Connie on Ko-fi

[3-panel comic of a cartoon girl with a bun and a lone penguin sitting on solitary ice floes. Panel 1 shows the girl, sitting on ice, hugging her knees pensively. In panel 2, a penguin also floats along on a piece of ice. Caption reads, "When you feel like a lone penguin in the world and like nobody really understands you..." Continued on panel 3: "- but it's still a colony and you have more friends than you think." The frame zooms out in panel 3 to show the solitary penguin surrounded by other penguins on nearby ice floes. In a chorus of speech bubbles, they address the single penguin: "It's been ages!" "Have you put on blubber?" "We're gonna grab some fish -" "You should join us!" Comic illustration titled "Even Lone Penguins" by Connie Sun, cartoonconnie, 2022.]
3-panel comic of a cartoon girl with a bun and a lone penguin sitting on solitary ice floes. Panel 1 shows the girl, sitting on ice, hugging her knees pensively. In panel 2, a penguin also floats along on a piece of ice. Caption reads, "When you feel like a lone penguin in the world and like nobody really understands you..." Continued on panel 3: "- but it's still a colony and you have more friends than you think." The frame zooms out in panel 3 to show the solitary penguin surrounded by other penguins on nearby ice floes. In a chorus of speech bubbles, they address the single penguin: "It's been ages!" "Have you put on blubber?" "We're gonna grab some fish -" "You should join us!" Comic illustration titled "Even Lone Penguins" by Connie Sun, cartoonconnie, 2022.

Friday, November 11, 2022

Seeking Order in Chaos

The way things are going, I feel we could all use a hug and some assurances in life. 

Happy weekend and thanks for reading. Connie on Ko-fi

[2-panel webcomic about not believing in astrology but still seeking order in chaos. Panel 1: Cartoon girl with a bun and her arms crossed, says dismissively, "I don't believe in astrology - load of hogwash." Panel 2: An arrow points at girl, arms still crossed, sneaking a side-eyed look at a laptop screen, with the caption "Also me: Casually checking today's planetary alignment." Cartoon illustration by Connie Sun, cartoonconnie, 2022.]
2-panel webcomic about not believing in astrology but still seeking order in chaos. Panel 1: Cartoon girl with a bun and her arms crossed, says dismissively, "I don't believe in astrology - load of hogwash." Panel 2: An arrow points at girl, arms still crossed, sneaking a side-eyed look at a laptop screen, with the caption "Also me: Casually checking today's planetary alignment." Cartoon illustration by Connie Sun, cartoonconnie, 2022.

Thursday, November 10, 2022

Other People's Opinions

I'd like to call a time-out on all unnecessary opinions. Just my opinion ;)

Thanks for reading. Connie on Ko-fi

[4-panel comic strip about experiencing information overload in an opinion-saturated modern world. In panel 1, a cartoon girl with a bun raises a hand to her temple in exhaustion. In panel 2, she cradles her head in her hands, covering her ears. Caption reads, "I am so tired -- of other people having opinions." In panel 3, she has popped her head off her shoulders and is holding it under her arm, saying "I just want a place to rest my head." In panel 4, she has placed her head on a pillow cushion on the floor, as her headless body walks off the frame. There's a beat and the caption reads, "Has life always been this strange?" Original cartoon titled "Other People's Opinions" by Connie Sun, cartoonconnie, 2022.]

4-panel comic strip about experiencing information overload in an opinion-saturated modern world. In panel 1, a cartoon girl with a bun raises a hand to her temple in exhaustion. In panel 2, she cradles her head in her hands, covering her ears. Caption reads, "I am so tired -- of other people having opinions." In panel 3, she has popped her head off her shoulders and is holding it under her arm, saying "I just want a place to rest my head." In panel 4, she has placed her head on a pillow cushion on the floor, as her headless body walks off the frame. There's a beat and the caption reads, "Has life always been this strange?" Original cartoon titled "Other People's Opinions" by Connie Sun, cartoonconnie, 2022.

Tuesday, November 08, 2022

Wolf Votes at the Moon

When you have mixed feelings about the state of politics, but still exercise your right to vote. An election day in New York + a lunar eclipse tonight! 

Thanks for reading. Connie on Ko-fi

[2-panel comic illustration of a cartoon wolf howling at a "blood moon," when Earth's moon is in a lunar eclipse. Panel 1: A lone wolf howls an "Aroooouuu..." at a full moon, rendered in deep orange and red hues, against a deep navy blue night sky. Panel 2: The wolf walks off, pensively, with a thought bubble that says, "Well, I voted." Cartoon is referencing an election day that coincides with the celestial event of a lunar eclipse. By Connie Sun, cartoonconnie, 2022.] 

2-panel comic illustration of a cartoon wolf howling at a "blood moon," when Earth's moon is in a lunar eclipse. Panel 1: A lone wolf howls an "Aroooouuu..." at a full moon, rendered in deep orange and red hues, against a deep navy blue night sky. Panel 2: The wolf walks off, pensively, with a thought bubble that says, "Well, I voted." Cartoon is referencing an election day that coincides with the celestial event of a lunar eclipse. By Connie Sun, cartoonconnie, 2022.

Friday, November 04, 2022

In Defense of Red Flags

No mistake there! ;)

Have a blessed weekend and thanks for reading. Connie on Ko-fi

[4-panel comic strip titled "In Defense of Red Flags." Panel 1 shows a cartoon girl with a bun at a kitchen counter, pouring hot water into a mug of tea. In panel 2, she is the holding the mug, thinking and standing next to a red flag that is about her height, with an equal sign between her and the flag. Caption reads, "I suspect that every single guy I have ever met - sees me as a five-foot-two walking red flag." In panel 3, she starts to walk off-frame. In panel 4, she slows, turns to the reader and says cheerfully, "And they should! Because I am." Comic illustration by Connie Sun, cartoonconnie, 2022.]
4-panel comic strip titled "In Defense of Red Flags." Panel 1 shows a cartoon girl with a bun at a kitchen counter, pouring hot water into a mug of tea. In panel 2, she is the holding the mug, thinking and standing next to a red flag that is about her height, with an equal sign between her and the flag. Caption reads, "I suspect that every single guy I have ever met - sees me as a five-foot-two walking red flag." In panel 3, she starts to walk off-frame. In panel 4, she slows, turns to the reader and says cheerfully, "And they should! Because I am." Comic illustration by Connie Sun, cartoonconnie, 2022.

Thursday, November 03, 2022

Elephant Tries to Help

Continued from Forever Single Lady cartoon.

Thanks for reading! Connie on Ko-fi

[2-panel comic page of a cartoon girl with a bun, huddled in a blanket, watching K-dramas on a laptop, while a medium-sized elephant observes the scene. Heading reads, "Elephant tries to help." In panel 1, the elephant asks, "Have you considered practicing your social skills out in the real world?" In panel 2, the girl glares side-eyed at the elephant, "Have YOU SEEN what it's like out there? People are terrifying." Elephant responds, "Well that's true." Part of a webcomic series by Connie Sun, cartoonconnie, 2022.] 
2-panel comic page of a cartoon girl with a bun, huddled in a blanket, watching K-dramas on a laptop, while a medium-sized elephant observes the scene. Heading reads, "Elephant tries to help." In panel 1, the elephant asks, "Have you considered practicing your social skills out in the real world?" In panel 2, the girl glares side-eyed at the elephant, "Have YOU SEEN what it's like out there? People are terrifying." Elephant responds, "Well that's true." Part of a webcomic series by Connie Sun, cartoonconnie, 2022.

Tuesday, November 01, 2022

Forever Single Lady

This is how we're supposed to learn social skills as adults, right? :)

Thanks for reading. Connie on Ko-fi

[3-panel comics page titled "Forever Single Lady." Panel 1, cartoon girl with a bun "realizes late that she is bad at reading social cues." In panel 2, she is huddled in a blanket in front of a laptop screen, with an expression of extreme concentration. Arrow points at her: "Watches K-dramas with new intensity." Speech bubbles read, "I must learn...this sorcery." In panel 3, she is drawn in side view, still huddled in front of a laptop, now with an elephant in the frame, observing the scene directly behind her. Caption reads, "An education." Comic illustration by Connie Sun, cartoonconnie, 2022.]
3-panel comics page titled "Forever Single Lady." Panel 1, cartoon girl with a bun "realizes late that she is bad at reading social cues." In panel 2, she is huddled in a blanket in front of a laptop screen, with an expression of extreme concentration. Arrow points at her: "Watches K-dramas with new intensity." Speech bubbles read, "I must learn...this sorcery." In panel 3, she is drawn in side view, still huddled in front of a laptop, now with an elephant in the frame, observing the scene directly behind her. Caption reads, "An education." Comic illustration by Connie Sun, cartoonconnie, 2022.

Friday, October 28, 2022

Wish I Could Tell Somebody

Sometimes modern life is lonely, but still beautiful. We do whatever we can.

Thanks for reading. Connie on Ko-fi

[4-panel comic about modern life and being alone, drawn in grayscale, except for a window view of a sunset over a cityscape, which is rendered in full color. In panel 1, a cartoon girl with a braid stands at the window and exclaims, "What a pretty sunset! Gosh!" Panel 2 zooms out to show the interior of the room where the girl is looking out. Text reads, "I wish I could tell somebody about this sunset." In panel 3, the girl looks at her phone, as the sun sets further and the caption reads, "Nobody I know will care that I saw this sunset." In panel 4, she walks away, as the light in the sky dims. Final text reads, "I wonder what K-dramas are streaming right now." Original comic illustration by Connie Sun, cartoonconnie, 2022.]
4-panel comic about modern life and being alone, drawn in grayscale, except for a window view of a sunset over a cityscape, which is rendered in full color. In panel 1, a cartoon girl with a braid stands at the window and exclaims, "What a pretty sunset! Gosh!" Panel 2 zooms out to show the interior of the room where the girl is looking out. Text reads, "I wish I could tell somebody about this sunset." In panel 3, the girl looks at her phone, as the sun sets further and the caption reads, "Nobody I know will care that I saw this sunset." In panel 4, she walks away, as the light in the sky dims. Final text reads, "I wonder what K-dramas are streaming right now." Original comic illustration by Connie Sun, cartoonconnie, 2022.

Tuesday, October 18, 2022

To Love Yourself

If you have ever felt like an odd person out, then you know it's hard work to get to this point. 

Let's never give up. Thanks for reading. Connie on Ko-fi

[2-panel borderless comic about identity and self-acceptance, showing a cartoon girl with a bun, figuring out who she is. In panel 1, she looks at her reflection in a bathroom mirror. In panel 2, she is leaning against a medium-sized elephant in an interior space with a rug, an electric kettle on a small table, and a cartooned reproduction the painting "American Gothic" by Grant Wood hanging on the wall. The caption reads, "To love yourself... / Figure out what makes you different / - and really lean into that." Original comic illustration by Connie Sun, cartoonconnie, 2022.]

2-panel borderless comic about identity and self-acceptance, showing a cartoon girl with a bun, figuring out who she is. In panel 1, she looks at her reflection in a bathroom mirror. In panel 2, she is leaning against a medium-sized elephant in an interior space with a rug, an electric kettle on a small table, and a cartooned reproduction the painting "American Gothic" by Grant Wood hanging on the wall. The caption reads, "To love yourself... / Figure out what makes you different / - and really lean into that." Original comic illustration by Connie Sun, cartoonconnie, 2022.

Tuesday, October 11, 2022

A Weirdo in the Universe

Let's just be weirdos in the universe, k?

Thanks for reading. Connie on Ko-fi

[3-panel comic of a cartoon girl with a bun, trying to tune out the messy chaos of human society. In panel 1, her eyes are closed and her hands are covering her ears. She is surrounded by tight, inky, swirling, scribbled lines. In panel 2, the image pans out a little and she is not totally alone; there's an elephant and they make eye contact without words. In panel 3, the image zooms way out and we see them standing atop a small asteroid-planet-like orb in space, alone but she is holding the end of the elephant trunk in one hand, as though they are holding hands. Caption: "In a messy, chaotic world, it's okay to take a moment and just be a weirdo in the universe." Original comic illustration by Connie Sun, cartoonconnie, 2022.]

3-panel comic of a cartoon girl with a bun, trying to tune out the messy chaos of human society. In panel 1, her eyes are closed and her hands are covering her ears. She is surrounded by tight, inky, swirling, scribbled lines. In panel 2, the image pans out a little and she is not totally alone; there's an elephant and they make eye contact without words. In panel 3, the image zooms way out and we see them standing atop a small asteroid-planet-like orb in space, alone but she is holding the end of the elephant trunk in one hand, as though they are holding hands. Caption: "In a messy, chaotic world, it's okay to take a moment and just be a weirdo in the universe." Original comic illustration by Connie Sun, cartoonconnie, 2022.

Wednesday, October 05, 2022

Elephant Tea Break

Sorry that I've been a bit off schedule. Been sick with the flu. All the viruses got me this season :') 

Stay healthy and stay tuned for more comics! Connie on Ko-fi

[2-panel comic page of a cartoon girl with a bun, wearing a hoodie, taking a tea break. In panel 1, she is sitting at a desk with a tablet and notes strewn about, holding her head. She says, "Ugh. I'm starting to feel sick again. I should make more tea." Cut to panel 2, where she is sipping from an enormous vat of tea that is almost as tall as she is. A passing elephant, holding a dainty, regular-sized mug of tea, walks by and stares at her. Looking at the elephant mid-sip, she says, "What?" and the elephant responds, "I didn't say anything." Original comic illustration by Connie Sun, cartoonconnie, 2022.]

2-panel comic page of a cartoon girl with a bun, wearing a hoodie, taking a tea break. In panel 1, she is sitting at a desk with a tablet and notes strewn about, holding her head. She says, "Ugh. I'm starting to feel sick again. I should make more tea." Cut to panel 2, where she is sipping from an enormous vat of tea that is almost as tall as she is. A passing elephant, holding a dainty, regular-sized mug of tea, walks by and stares at her. Looking at the elephant mid-sip, she says, "What?" and the elephant responds, "I didn't say anything." Original comic illustration by Connie Sun, cartoonconnie, 2022.

Thursday, September 29, 2022

I Wish You Chocolate

Wishing you everything you need to feel safe and comfortable and loved.

Thanks for reading. Connie on Ko-fi

[3-panel borderless comic of a cartoon girl with a bun, standing in the rain with an umbrella, holding a teddy bear. In panel 1, she has a worried look, holds the bear by the hand. In panel 2, she holds the bear closer, squeezing it in a hug. In panel 3, she and the bear stand under the umbrella, eating a bar of chocolate together. Corresponding captions read: "Wish you safe. / Wish you loved. / Wish you unlimited chocolate." Original comic strip by Connie Sun, cartoonconnie, 2022.]
3-panel borderless comic of a cartoon girl with a bun, standing in the rain with an umbrella, holding a teddy bear. In panel 1, she has a worried look, holds the bear by the hand. In panel 2, she holds the bear closer, squeezing it in a hug. In panel 3, she and the bear stand under the umbrella, eating a bar of chocolate together. Corresponding captions read: "Wish you safe. / Wish you loved. / Wish you unlimited chocolate." Original comic strip by Connie Sun, cartoonconnie, 2022.

Sunday, September 25, 2022

Crazy Comfy (Creative Notes #84)

When life gets crazy, I like to get crazy comfy.

Episode 84 from my series on Tinyview. Check it out on the app if you can! 

Thanks for reading. Connie on Ko-fi

[4-panel comic comic by Connie Sun from Creative Notes webcomic series episode 84. Cartoon of a girl with a bun, sitting at a desk, feeling anxious and overwhelmed in panel 1. In panel 2, she is calmer and standing akimbo in very comfy attire, holding a teddy bear. Caption reads, “When life gets crazy, I like to get COMFY,” the word comfy written in pink bubble script. In panel 3, she is wearing an unreasonable amount of cozy mismatched clothing, sitting on a pile of pillows. In panel 4, an oversized cartoon heart says, "Personally, I don't think another layer would hurt." Full comic with bonus panel on Tinyview app. Link to webcomic series by Connie Sun, cartoonconnie, 2022.]

4-panel comic comic by Connie Sun from Creative Notes webcomic series episode 84. Cartoon of a girl with a bun, sitting at a desk, feeling anxious and overwhelmed in panel 1. In panel 2, she is calmer and standing akimbo in very comfy attire, holding a teddy bear. Caption reads, “When life gets crazy, I like to get COMFY,” the word comfy written in pink bubble script. In panel 3, she is wearing an unreasonable amount of cozy mismatched clothing, sitting on a pile of pillows. In panel 4, an oversized cartoon heart says, "Personally, I don't think another layer would hurt." Full comic with bonus panel on Tinyview app. Link to webcomic series by Connie Sun, cartoonconnie, 2022.

Thursday, September 22, 2022

Self-Improvement Monster

Becoming a better person isn't for the weak and neither is knowing one who is trying. XD

Thanks for reading. Connie on Ko-fi

[3-panel webcomic about learning to be a better person. Panel 1 ("Self-Awareness") contains a frayed-looking girl with a messy braid, eyes bulging, horns coming out of her head, fists balled at her sides, and clothes torn like "the Hulk." She asks herself, "Am I the actual monster here??" In panel 2 ("Self-Acceptance"), a beat and she admits, "Guess the me." In panel 3 ("Self-Improvement"), she assumes a heroic stance and explodes with terrifyingly determined monster-energy: "HOW DO I BE THE BEST MONSTER I CAN BE??" Original comic strip by Connie Sun, cartoonconnie, 2022.]
3-panel webcomic about learning to be a better person. Panel 1 ("Self-Awareness") contains a frayed-looking girl with a messy braid, eyes bulging, horns coming out of her head, fists balled at her sides, and clothes torn like "the Hulk." She asks herself, "Am I the actual monster here??" In panel 2 ("Self-Acceptance"), a beat and she admits, "Guess the me." In panel 3 ("Self-Improvement"), she assumes a heroic stance and explodes with terrifyingly determined monster-energy: "HOW DO I BE THE BEST MONSTER I CAN BE??" Original comic strip by Connie Sun, cartoonconnie, 2022.

Wednesday, September 14, 2022

Me, Trying To Be Brave

Is it me or is being a person really exhausting right now? Lol. 

Thanks as always for reading. Connie on Ko-fi

[2-panel comic of a cartoon girl with a braid, trying to be brave in life. Panel 1 caption: "Me, trying to be brave:" Girl stands determined at her desk and says, "I is all we can do." In panel 2, she slams forward onto the desk, head lowered in exhaustion, and admits, "I am sooo -- sick and tired of being brave." Autobio comic strip by Connie Sun, cartoonconnie, 2022.]
2-panel comic of a cartoon girl with a braid, trying to be brave in life. Panel 1 caption: "Me, trying to be brave:" Girl stands determined at her desk and says, "I is all we can do." In panel 2, she slams forward onto the desk, head lowered in exhaustion, and admits, "I am sooo -- sick and tired of being brave." Autobio comic strip by Connie Sun, cartoonconnie, 2022.

Sunday, September 11, 2022

Peace and Quiet Mooncake Festival

Peace and quiet is my favorite way to celebrate a holiday. Hope yours is also exactly to your liking. Happy Mid-Autumn Festival, if you celebrate. May blessings abound. 

Thanks for reading. Connie on Ko-fi

[Single-panel comic illustration of a cartoon girl with a braid celebrating Mid-Autumn Festival in peace and quiet. She is seated at a low table, dressed in comfy clothes, with a cup of tea and a mooncake, in front of a laptop. The full moon is visible outside the apartment window. Caption: "Happy Mid-Autumn Festival! May you eat your mooncakes in peace and quiet." She is blissed out, "watching kdramas." Illustration by Connie Sun, cartoonconnie, 2022.]

Single-panel comic illustration of a cartoon girl with a braid celebrating Mid-Autumn Festival in peace and quiet. She is seated at a low table, dressed in comfy clothes, with a cup of tea and a mooncake, in front of a laptop. The full moon is visible outside the apartment window. Caption: "Happy Mid-Autumn Festival! May you eat your mooncakes in peace and quiet." She is blissed out, "watching kdramas." Illustration by Connie Sun, cartoonconnie, 2022.

Friday, September 09, 2022

Forced Rest and Relaxation

My stages of covid: denial, overthinking, bargaining, and renewing life’s purpose while sick in bed.

I'm one of the luckies. My recovery was steady after a few days of bedrest. Thanks for your well wishes. Connie on Ko-fi

[3-panel comic about the forced rest you get from getting sick, based on creator's covid recovery. Panel 1 shows a cartoon girl with a braid and beads of perspiration, sick in bed with a fever, body aches, and chills. Text reads "COVID NIGHTS: reliving my biggest failures & regrets in fever dreams." Panel 2: same frame, with an exaggerated look of determination, caption box with arrow says "vowing not to give up on life goals." In parentheses: "if I live." Panel 3, borderless splash: "Forced Rest & Relaxation" is in bold text, followed by "(not the spa day I imagined)" in smaller text. Girl looks directly at reader with resigned expression, shackled to bed with a large ball and chain. Humorous autobio comic strip by Connie Sun, cartoonconnie, 2022.]

3-panel comic about the forced rest you get from getting sick, based on creator's covid recovery. Panel 1 shows a cartoon girl with a braid and beads of perspiration, sick in bed with a fever, body aches, and chills. Text reads "COVID NIGHTS: reliving my biggest failures & regrets in fever dreams." Panel 2: same frame, with an exaggerated look of determination, caption box with arrow says "vowing not to give up on life goals." In parentheses: "if I live." Panel 3, borderless splash: "Forced Rest & Relaxation" is in bold text, followed by "(not the spa day I imagined)" in smaller text. Girl looks directly at reader with resigned expression, shackled to bed with a large ball and chain. Humorous autobio comic strip by Connie Sun, cartoonconnie, 2022.

Tuesday, September 06, 2022

Sick Days Elephant

I'm sorry for the unexpected break from new cartoon posts. After successfully evading Covid-19 for a couple of years, it finally got me. Despite being vaccinated, it walloped me pretty hard. Starting to come around. Back to regular cartooning soon, I hope. Here's my first drawing after several days of full bed rest. 

Stay healthy and get re-boosted if you can. The latest virus mutations are no fun.

Thanks for reading. Connie on Ko-fi

[Digital charcoal color drawing of a girl with a braid, sleeping on the back of an elephant. Illustrated by Connie Sun, cartoonconnie, 2022.]

Digital charcoal color drawing of a girl with a braid, sleeping on the back of an elephant. Illustrated by Connie Sun, cartoonconnie, 2022.

Friday, August 26, 2022

My Greatest Strength

When your greatest strength is also your greatest weakness! Happy weekend. 

Thanks for reading. Connie on Ko-fi

[2-panel comic about how our greatest strengths are also our greatest weaknesses. In panel 1, the caption reads, "My greatest being alone." A girl with a braid says smugly, "I don't need anyone! I have...hobbies (check), kdramas (check), chocolate (check)." In panel 2, there's a beat, it's Friday night, and the girl now wears a melodramatically inconsolable expression on her face, while a colorful party popper emoji appears in the frame. Webcomic strip by Connie Sun, cartoonconnie, 2022.]
Humorous 2-panel comic about how our greatest strengths are also our greatest weaknesses. In panel 1, the caption reads, "My greatest being alone." A girl with a braid says smugly, "I don't need anyone! I have...hobbies (check), kdramas (check), chocolate (check)." In panel 2, there's a beat, it's Friday night, and the girl now wears a melodramatically inconsolable expression on her face, while a colorful party popper emoji appears in the frame. Webcomic strip by Connie Sun, cartoonconnie, 2022.

Thursday, August 25, 2022

Eggshell Heart

Wish there were an easier way :') 

Thanks for reading. Connie on Ko-fi

[3-panel borderless comic of a cartoon girl with a bun, cracking open a red heart like an egg. Panel 1: Wearing an apron, the girl cracks a heart on the edge of a mixing bowl. Panel 2: She plops the contents into bowl, yolk and all. There's a displeased face on the pink yolk and it says, "ow." Panel 3: She whisks the egg in with the contents of the bowl, as a scrunched face says, "agh! WHY do you do this??" Caption says, "In order to get any writing done, I have to crack open my own heart and whisk it up until it's just the right consistency of truth." Heading: "Wish there were an easier way." Cartoon titled "Eggshell Heart." Original webcomic illustration by Connie Sun, cartoonconnie, 2022.]
3-panel borderless comic of a cartoon girl with a bun, cracking open a red heart like an egg. Panel 1: Wearing an apron, the girl cracks a heart on the edge of a mixing bowl. Panel 2: She plops the contents into bowl, yolk and all. There's a displeased face on the pink yolk and it says, "ow." Panel 3: She whisks the egg in with the contents of the bowl, as a scrunched face says, "agh! WHY do you do this??" Caption says, "In order to get any writing done, I have to crack open my own heart and whisk it up until it's just the right consistency of truth." Heading: "Wish there were an easier way." Cartoon titled "Eggshell Heart." Original webcomic illustration by Connie Sun, cartoonconnie, 2022.

Tuesday, August 23, 2022

A Good Stretch

This one feels good, I highly recommend a set of 10 hugs in the morning, for stiff shoulders <3

Thanks for reading. Connie on Ko-fi

[4-panel borderless comic of a cartoon girl with a bun in need of assurance, wearing a sweater with a broken heart on it. In panel 1, she looks tired and "needs a hug." In panel 2, her arms are outstretched and the text reads, "Pretty please?" In panel 3, the text reads, "OK" and she wraps her arms around herself in a self-hug. In panel 4, arms still wrapped, she gently pats herself on the shoulder, while thinking, "This is a good shoulder stretch, actually." Comic strip titled "A Good Stretch," by Connie Sun, cartoonconnie, 2022.]
4-panel borderless comic of a cartoon girl with a bun in need of assurance, wearing a sweater with a broken heart on it. In panel 1, she looks tired and "needs a hug." In panel 2, her arms are outstretched and the text reads, "Pretty please?" In panel 3, the text reads, "OK" and she wraps her arms around herself in a self-hug. In panel 4, arms still wrapped, she gently pats herself on the shoulder, while thinking, "This is a good shoulder stretch, actually." Comic strip titled "A Good Stretch," by Connie Sun, cartoonconnie, 2022.

Wednesday, August 17, 2022

Life Goals in Weird Times

Keeping it simple these days. (I don't have pets, but it's always a pleasure to meet other people's dogs.)

Thanks for reading. Connie on Ko-fi

[4-panel borderless comic page about resetting "Life Goals in Weird Times." Panel 1: A cartoon girl with a braid knees down and holds out her hand to greet a dog that is sitting in a basket and says, "I come in peace." Caption: "Be kind." Panel 2: The girl is seated next to the basket and the dog is now sitting on her lap. Caption: "Learn to love yourself and accept love from others." Panel 3: The girl is enjoying a meal with a blissed out expression on her face. Panel 4: The girl is in workout clothes, running in the park. Caption: "Eat all your favorite foods - without gaining weight. That is all." Original illustrated comic by Connie Sun, cartoonconnie, 2022.]
4-panel borderless comic page about resetting "Life Goals in Weird Times." Panel 1: A cartoon girl with a braid knees down and holds out her hand to greet a dog that is sitting in a basket and says, "I come in peace." Caption: "Be kind." Panel 2: The girl is seated next to the basket and the dog is now sitting on her lap. Caption: "Learn to love yourself and accept love from others." Panel 3: The girl is enjoying a meal with a blissed out expression on her face. Panel 4: The girl is in workout clothes, running in the park. Caption: "Eat all your favorite foods - without gaining weight. That is all." Original illustrated comic by Connie Sun, cartoonconnie, 2022.

Wednesday, August 10, 2022

I've Done What I Can Do

If it's all you can do today, it's enough. 

Thanks for reading. Connie on Ko-fi

[3-panel comic of a cartoon girl with a braid, alone in a desolate grayed out landscape, with heavy storm clouds looming over head. The girl is in color, against the grayscale background. In prominent script, the dark clouds are emblazoned with the word "WORRIES," as the girl looks up at the sky apprehensively in panel 1. In panel 2, she takes out an umbrella. In panel 3, she holds the open umbrella over her head and awaits the approaching storm. The heading reads, "I've Done What I Can Do." Cartoon illustration by ©Connie Sun, cartoonconnie, 2022.]
3-panel comic of a cartoon girl with a braid, alone in a desolate grayed out landscape, with heavy storm clouds looming over head. The girl is in color, against the grayscale background. In prominent script, the dark clouds are emblazoned with the word "WORRIES," as the girl looks up at the sky apprehensively in panel 1. In panel 2, she takes out an umbrella. In panel 3, she holds the open umbrella over her head and awaits the approaching storm. The heading reads, "I've Done What I Can Do." Cartoon illustration by ©Connie Sun, cartoonconnie, 2022.

Friday, August 05, 2022

All My Anxieties Are Correct

It feels like "prove me wrong" is our collective vibe as a society these days. Anxieties aside, I hope you have a calm weekend. 

Thanks for reading. Connie on Ko-fi

[Single-panel comic of a cartoon girl, hair in a bun, bursting through an office door with a look of dramatic defiance. The caption reads, "Me, walking into therapy like - BAM!!" while giant, confrontational speech bubbles dominate the composition and read, "ALL MY ANXIETIES ARE CORRECT! PROVE ME WRONG!" Original cartoon illustration by Connie Sun, cartoonconnie, 2022, all rights reserved.]
Single-panel comic of a cartoon girl, hair in a bun, bursting through an office door with a look of dramatic defiance. The caption reads, "Me, walking into therapy like - BAM!!" while giant, confrontational speech bubbles dominate the composition and read, "ALL MY ANXIETIES ARE CORRECT!  PROVE ME WRONG!" Original cartoon illustration by Connie Sun, cartoonconnie, 2022, all rights reserved.

Wednesday, August 03, 2022

Dumb Mistakes (Creative Notes #77)

I guess I'll learn everything the hard way after all. 

Please check out my series on the Tinyview app and give a like if you can! It helps keep the comics going. 

Thanks as always for reading. New episodes every Wednesday.

[5-panel comic strip of a cartoon girl with a bun having a conversation with her younger self. Episode 77 from webcomic series "Creative Notes" by Connie Sun, cartoonconnie, 2022, for Tinyview. Panel 1: Girl says to the viewer, "If I were to tell my younger self one thing, it'd be-" Panel 2: She is interrupted by her petulant-looking Younger Self in a pink headband, who says dismissively, "TSK! Save your breath." Panel 3: Younger Self, hands akimbo, asserts that, "I'll learn by making all the same dumb mistakes you did." Panel 4: Younger Self walks off, followed by Older Version, who tries to retort, only to be cut-off again by Younger Self, who abruptly ends the conversation with "I'm good THX" and walks off. Panel 5: Girl is left by herself and observes, "Well, I was a real pill, wasn't I?"] 
5-panel comic strip of a cartoon girl with a bun having a conversation with her younger self. Episode 77 from webcomic series "Creative Notes" by Connie Sun, cartoonconnie, 2022, for Tinyview. Panel 1: Girl says to the viewer, "If I were to tell my younger self one thing, it'd be-" Panel 2: She is interrupted by her petulant-looking Younger Self in a pink headband, who says dismissively, "TSK! Save your breath." Panel 3: Younger Self, hands akimbo, asserts that, "I'll learn by making all the same dumb mistakes you did." Panel 4: Younger Self walks off, followed by Older Version, who tries to retort, only to be cut-off again by Younger Self, who abruptly ends the conversation with "I'm good THX" and walks off. Panel 5: Girl is left by herself and observes, "Well, I was a real pill, wasn't I?"

Sunday, July 31, 2022

Work Hard, Nap Harder

I work hard, I nap hard. A useful skill in life. ^_^

Thanks for reading. Connie on Ko-fi

[5-panel borderless comic strip of a cartoon girl with a bun, working at her desk. Panel 1: seated with a blank page and a mug, ready to start. Panel 2: slightly hunched with a look of concentration, more sheets of paper, a mug and an empty bowl. Panel 3: more dishes, stacks of paper, girl is fully hunched over her desk with disheveled hair and bulging eyes. Text reads, "Work. Work...WORK!!!" In panel 4, an elephant enters the frame and text reads, "Play?" Panel 5: Elephant is seated and the girl rests against the elephant with tired exhaustion, while the caption reads, "Nap." Comic strip titled "Work Hard, Nap Harder," by Connie Sun, cartoonconnie, 2022.]

5-panel borderless comic strip of a cartoon girl with a bun, working at her desk. Panel 1: seated with a blank page and a mug, ready to start. Panel 2: slightly hunched with a look of concentration, more sheets of paper, a mug and an empty bowl. Panel 3: more dishes, stacks of paper, girl is fully hunched over her desk with disheveled hair and bulging eyes. Text reads, "Work. Work...WORK!!!" In panel 4, an elephant enters the frame and text reads, "Play?" Panel 5: Elephant is seated and the girl rests against the elephant with tired exhaustion, while the caption reads, "Nap." Comic strip titled "Work Hard, Nap Harder," by Connie Sun, cartoonconnie, 2022.

Thursday, July 28, 2022

Hope in Modern Times

I am full of hope in these modern times, lol. Sorry for the lack of new posts this week. I'm deep in writing. 

From my sketchbook, this is a classic NYC tableau that I see more and more these days. 

Thanks for reading. Connie on Ko-fi

[3-panel autobio comic of a cartoon girl with a bun, wearing a mask, and waiting for a train on a New York City subway platform. In panel 1, she is standing while a balding middle-aged man in vest and slacks, urinates in public at the end of the platform in Times Square at rush hour. A younger man with a cap, backpack, skateboard, looking at his phone, queues up behind him. In panel 2, balding man walks up and it's skater boy's turn. Panel 3 shows the scene a beat later, all three subway riders still in the frame. Caption reads, "When I start to lose hope, / I look all around me and / - pretend I live somewhere else." Cartoon titled "Hope in Modern Times, " by Connie Sun, cartoonconnie, 2022.]
3-panel autobio comic of a cartoon girl with a bun, wearing a mask, and waiting for a train on a New York City subway platform. In panel 1, she is standing while a balding middle-aged man in vest and slacks, urinates in public at the end of the platform in Times Square at rush hour. A younger man with a cap, backpack, skateboard, looking at his phone, queues up behind him. In panel 2, balding man walks up and it's skater boy's turn. Panel 3 shows the scene a beat later, all three subway riders still in the frame. Caption reads, "When I start to lose hope, / I look all around me and / - pretend I live somewhere else." Cartoon titled "Hope in Modern Times, " by Connie Sun, cartoonconnie, 2022.

Sunday, July 24, 2022

Heat Wave Ice Fantasy

Dreaming about giant blocks of ice in this heat wave. Hope everyone is staying cool and hydrated.

Thanks for reading. Connie on Ko-fi

[Single-panel wordless comic of a cartoon girl with a bun, at home, hugging a giant block of ice, in a heatwave. Outside the window, the sun is on full blast and the city is a mirage. Illustration by Connie Sun, cartoonconnie, 2022.]

Single-panel wordless comic of a cartoon girl with a bun, at home, hugging a giant block of ice, in a heatwave. Outside the window, the sun is on full blast and the city is a mirage. Illustration by Connie Sun, cartoonconnie, 2022.

Thursday, July 21, 2022

Healing Pep Talks

Healing isn't linear, but pep talks are free.

Thanks for reading. Connie on Ko-fi

[3-panel comic of a cartoon girl with a braid, wearing a t-shirt with W.I.P. on it. Panel 1: She is looking into a mirror with a flat expression. Caption reads, "Healing isn't linear." Panel 2: She is at her desk with a post-it pad, pen, and tea mug, putting a bright post-it note on her head. Panel 3: Hands, folded in front of her, she patiently waits. Caption reads, "But pep talks are free." The post-it note on her forehead says, "You'll get there." (WIP = work in progress) Webcomic strip by Connie Sun, cartoonconnie, 2022.]
3-panel comic of a cartoon girl with a braid, wearing a t-shirt with W.I.P. on it. Panel 1: She is looking into a mirror with a flat expression. Caption reads, "Healing isn't linear." Panel 2: She is at her desk with a post-it pad, pen, and tea mug, putting a bright post-it note on her head. Panel 3: Hands, folded in front of her, she patiently waits. Caption reads, "But pep talks are free." The post-it note on her forehead says, "You'll get there." (WIP = work in progress) Webcomic strip by Connie Sun, cartoonconnie, 2022.

Friday, July 15, 2022

Me, at the Movies

Maybe this is why we go to the movies, etc. What are you watching and reading these days? Or excited to see?

Thanks for reading. Connie on Ko-fi

[2-panel webcomic of a cartoon girl on a couch, cradling her heart like a child and saying, "Don't worry, I'll keep you safe from harm." The heading says, "Me, in real life." In contrast, the heading of the next scene reads, "Me, at the movies." The second panel is a drawing of the girl in a dramatic fantasy-action scene, hurling the heart directly into the mouth of a giant, menacing, fire-breathing dragon, with all her might. She yells out, "Take my money! Break my heart!! Make me FEEL SOMETHING!" Comic strip by Connie Sun, cartoonconnie, 2022.]

2-panel webcomic of a cartoon girl on a couch, cradling her heart like a child and saying, "Don't worry, I'll keep you safe from harm." The heading says, "Me, in real life." In contrast, the heading of the next scene reads, "Me, at the movies." The second panel is a drawing of the girl in a dramatic fantasy-action scene, hurling the heart directly into the mouth of a giant, menacing, fire-breathing dragon, with all her might. She yells out, "Take my money! Break my heart!! Make me FEEL SOMETHING!" Comic strip by Connie Sun, cartoonconnie, 2022.

Monday, July 11, 2022

Be the Light

Be the "light" you want to see in the world. Every little bit counts, hahahah ;)

Thanks for reading. Connie on Ko-fi

[Short black and white comic strip with the hand-drawn accented heading "Be the LIGHT you want to see in the world," followed by a panel painted in entirely in inky black, except for two bulging white cartoon eyes and the sound of a "click." The last panel shows a stage-lit cartoon girl with a braid, holding a flashlight under her face, looking spooky. A single speech bubble says, "Boo." Webcomic by Connie Sun, cartoonconnie, 2022.]
Short black and white comic strip with the hand-drawn accented heading "Be the LIGHT you want to see in the world," followed by a panel painted in entirely in inky black, except for two bulging white cartoon eyes and the sound of a "click." The last panel shows a stage-lit cartoon girl with a braid, holding a flashlight under her face, looking spooky. A single speech bubble says, "Boo." Webcomic by Connie Sun, cartoonconnie, 2022.

Thursday, July 07, 2022

Becoming Worthwhile

Every inch of progress counts - or at least that's what I tell myself. Godspeed all of us toward our better selves. 

Thanks for reading. Connie on Ko-fi

[2-panel borderless webcomic of a cartoon girl with a braid, in full stride, chasing after a carrot on a stick. Panel 1 text reads, "For anyone who's trying to be a better person...have patience." In panel 2, the girl is doubled over, panting with exhaustion, carrot still dangling out of reach. A medium elephant holding a bottle with its trunk observes the girl. Panel 2 text reads, "Worthwhile things can take time." A beat and Elephant asks, "Want a sip of seltzer?" Heading of comic: "Becoming Worthwhile." Original comic strip by Connie Sun, cartoonconnie, 2022.]
2-panel borderless webcomic of a cartoon girl with a braid, in full stride, chasing after a carrot on a stick. Panel 1 text reads, "For anyone who's trying to be a better person...have patience." In panel 2, the girl is doubled over, panting with exhaustion, carrot still dangling out of reach. A medium elephant holding a bottle with its trunk observes the girl. Panel 2 text reads, "Worthwhile things can take time." A beat and Elephant asks, "Want a sip of seltzer?" Heading of comic: "Becoming Worthwhile." Original comic strip by Connie Sun, cartoonconnie, 2022.

Friday, July 01, 2022

Calling It A Day

End of the week! May you enjoy it. 

Cheers and thanks for reading. Connie on Ko-fi

[Two-panel comic about creative productivity and not getting enough done. A cartoon girl with a braid sits at her desk, fretting over unchecked boxes on a to-do list. Panel 1 caption reads, "There was so much I was supposed to get done. I feel bad." In panel 2, the girl stares out the window, watching two birds in the distance, holding a drink in her hand. Text reads, "OR...I could accept that I'm not a productivity machine and move on." Heading of comic: "Just be okay and call it a day." Sketchbook comic strip by Connie Sun, cartoonconnie, 2022.]
Two-panel comic about creative productivity and not getting enough done. A cartoon girl with a braid sits at her desk, fretting over unchecked boxes on a to-do list. Panel 1 caption reads, "There was so much I was supposed to get done. I feel bad." In panel 2, the girl stares out the window, holding a drink in her hand. Text reads, "OR...I could accept that I'm not a productivity machine and move on." Heading of comic: "Just be okay and call it a day." Sketchbook comic strip by Connie Sun, cartoonconnie, 2022.