Thursday, January 05, 2023

Jar Of Stuff To Deal With Later

Happy new year! Definitely don't try any of this in real life :)

[3-panel comic of a cartoon girl with an elephant at the start of a new year, standing at the edge of a cliff and holding a large jar of folded paper. Panel 1: Girl, hugging jar, says, "I think I actually need two process everything that happened last year." Panel 2: Close-up of girl, cradling the jar, with a thought bubble: "Or..." Panel 3: Girl says, "Oopsie daisy" and tosses the jar over the edge of the cliff. Heading reads: "Jar of stuff to deal with later." Comic illustration by Connie Sun, cartoonconnie, 2023.]

3-panel comic of a cartoon girl with an elephant at the start of a new year, standing at the edge of a cliff and holding a large jar of folded paper. Panel 1: Girl, hugging jar, says, "I think I actually need two process everything that happened last year." Panel 2: Close-up of girl, cradling the jar, with a thought bubble: "Or..." Panel 3: Girl says, "Oopsie daisy" and tosses the jar over the edge of the cliff. Heading reads: "Jar of stuff to deal with later." Comic illustration by Connie Sun, cartoonconnie, 2023.


anna in spain said...

A safer way to do this (not dropping things on people below) is to write down all the bad stuff and then burn it. In a safe place like a barbecue or a fireplace--or drop it in the kitchen sink.
I've done this and it actually helps somewhat.

Robert said...

or a shredder, if available. I have a to-do list and am currently working on that. Wish I could get rid of it. A few painful problems and their solutions.

Best regards to you, Anna and Connie. Hope we all have a better New Year.

Robert said...

In the Jewish tradition, On the New Year, you cast bread crumbs on the water as if you are casting your sins away. No “oopsie daisy” required.