Wednesday, January 18, 2023

Trusting Your Heart

Part 2 of a short series of heart comics :)

Connie on Ko-fi

[4-panel borderless comic titled "Trusting Your Heart." In panel 1, a close-up of a plushy red heart with a tooth, saying "Just trust me." In panel 2, the heart is perched on a bathroom sink, addressing a cartoon girl with a bun in front of a mirror: "Trust yourself! Trust your feelings!" Panel 3 is another close-up of the heart, as it asks, "What could go wrong?" In panel 4, the heart looks up at the girl, while the girl looks at her reflection in the mirror.  The reflection in the mirror responds independently: "Literally - so many things." Comic strip by Connie Sun, cartoonconnie, 2023.]

4-panel borderless comic about trusting your heart. In panel 1, a close-up of a plushy red heart with a tooth, saying "Just trust me." In panel 2, the heart is perched on a bathroom sink, addressing a cartoon girl with a bun in front of a mirror: "Trust yourself! Trust your feelings!" Panel 3 is another close-up of the heart, as it asks, "What could go wrong?" In panel 4, the heart looks up at the girl, while the girl looks at her reflection in the mirror.  The reflection in the mirror responds independently: "Literally - so many things." Comic strip by Connie Sun, cartoonconnie, 2023.

1 comment:

anna in spain said...

And so many things could go right, Connie. A good surprise can be waiting. But you have to be brave.