Tuesday, February 07, 2023

Gross PDA

Part 5 of a series of plushy heart comics :)

Connie on Ko-fi

[3-panel comic strip of a girl negotiating PDA with a plushy red cartoon heart. Panel 1: Girl stands by a door with an open backpack at her feet, putting on a coat. Heart demands her to "HOLD ME." Not heeding the request, she says, "Don't be embarrassing. PDA is gross." Panel 2: Girl in an elevator with coat and backpack on; sees a small cute dog wagging its tail and says "Oh, hi!" The dog owner is partly in the frame and disengaged, while heart is in the backpack, looking out through the top. Panel 3: Small dog jumps up on the girl's leg, affectionately wagging its tail. The girl sniffs, smiles, and her face softens, as a thought bubble reads, "Aww...gross." The heart sticks it's head out of the backpack and says knowingly, "See? What did I tell you?" Comic titled "Gross PDA" by Connie Sun, cartoonconnie, 2023.]
3-panel comic strip of a girl negotiating PDA with a plushy red cartoon heart. Panel 1: Girl stands by a door with an open backpack at her feet, putting on a coat. Heart demands her to "HOLD ME." Not heeding the request, she says, "Don't be embarrassing. PDA is gross." Panel 2: Girl in an elevator with coat and backpack on; sees a small cute dog wagging its tail and says "Oh, hi!" The dog owner is partly in the frame and disengaged, while heart is in the backpack, looking out through the top. Panel 3: Small dog jumps up on the girl's leg, affectionately wagging its tail. The girl sniffs, smiles, and her face softens, as a thought bubble reads, "Aww...gross." The heart sticks it's head out of the backpack and says knowingly, "See? What did I tell you?" Comic titled "Gross PDA" by Connie Sun, cartoonconnie, 2023.


Robert said...

I had to look up “PDA”. Acronyms are changing the English language.

Robert said...

I had to look up PDA. Acronyms are changing the English language.

anna in spain said...

A puppy or kitten is always good for a little PDA. Also a cute puppy will attract others and you can strike up a conversation.