Tuesday, February 14, 2023

Single-Identifying Brownies

Part 7 in a series of plushy heart and elephant comics, Valentine's edition :)

[2-panel comic strip of a girl making brownies with an elephant and cartoon heart, titled " Single-Identifying Brownies." In panel 2, the girl is mixing batter in a bowl, as an elephant asks with interest, "ARE YOU MAKING BROWNIES??" The girl replies, "Yep!" and the heart says, "Ooh I wanna lick the bowl." In panel 2, the girl and heart are eating brownies contentedly on a couch, as an elephant trunk reaches for the platter of brownies from off-frame. Caption reads: "For my single-identifying friends." Cartoon by Connie Sun, cartoonconnie, published Feb 14th, 2023.]

2-panel comic strip of a girl making brownies with an elephant and cartoon heart, titled " Single-Identifying Brownies." In panel 2, the girl is mixing batter in a bowl, as an elephant asks with interest, "ARE YOU MAKING BROWNIES??" The girl replies, "Yep!" and the heart says, "Ooh I wanna lick the bowl." In panel 2, the girl and heart are eating brownies contentedly on a couch, as an elephant trunk reaches for the platter of brownies from off-frame. Caption reads: "For my single-identifying friends." Cartoon by Connie Sun, cartoonconnie, published Feb 14th, 2023.


Robert said...

Nothing like baking and eating what you make to center you in a moment. I've made biscotti, and muffins--either one is perfect with coffee. Sharing with a friend is even better...

anna in spain said...

Don't worry if you're not in a relationship on Valentine's Day. You don't have to die to celebrate the Day of the Dead, either.

Robert said...

Good point, Anna! LOL!