Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Godzilla Algorithms

Thanks for your love and support, especially after all this time. I've been working offline to develop my ideas into book-length stories. 

Since art and algorithms don't always mix, thanks in advance for your patience as I figure out how to come back online with brand new cartoons. I'm excited to share new drawings with you in the coming weeks.

Starting this month, I'll resume sharing updates and artwork regularly again, on my blog and Ko-fi page. I'll be back on Instagram selectively.

My new portfolio website is up as well, where you can also sign up to hear from me directly.

Thanks for your patience as I get my systems up and running again. - Connie
2-panel comic illustration of algorithms in 2010 compared to today (2024), depicted as a cute baby reptile that grows into a fire-breathing Godzilla that destroys big cities. Panel 1 shows a cartoon girl with a bun, cooing at a newly hatched baby lizard: "A baby algorithm! OMG so cute!" The year is 2010 and she is crouching to pet the hatchling. Panel 2 cuts to "Today" and shows an illustration of a cartoon Godzilla-like monster, towering over a metropolis, breathing fire and destroying buildings. It's gripping small figures in its giant claws, one of which is the girl with the bun in the first cartoon panel. In big bold lettering, the caption reads, "Godzilla Algorithms wreak global havoc." Original cartoon by Connie Sun, cartoonconnie, 2024

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